
This is my personal playground where I write about things I'm learning or doing.

Using the Beveridge curve to visualise trends in Germany's labour market

The Beveridge curve is a valuable tool for analysing labour markets. In this post, I use it to identify trends in the German job market from 2010 to 2023. By utilising the D3.js visualisation library, we can explore how Germany's Beveridge curve evolved over time, providing an intriguing perspective on the country's labour market dynamics.

Working with data from official providers: a brief tour of pandaSDMX

I have always been an avid user of official statistics. Eurostat, the OECD, the World Bank, other international organisations and national statistics agencies such as the French INSEE are valuable sources of data. In this post, I present a simple and efficient way of interacting with data from these official providers via the SDMX standard using the pandaSDMX Python library.

A functional approach to web scraping with Python’s singledispatch decorator - Part I: theory

For a long time, I have associated web scraping projects with a heavy dose of object-oriented programming. Python developers might be familiar with classes of spiders similar to those used in the web scraping framework Scrapy. In this two-part article, I present a way to write code for web scraping in a functional programming style. In this first part, I explain what I mean by that and what kind of advantages I see with that approach.